The Roaring 20's

Rezkyro Poltak Samuel Pasaribu
3 min readMar 31, 2022


ah yes, the roaring 20’s, the time when we were stressed out, drinking a lot of booze, and trying to figure out, what the hell am I gonna do in this world

Good god, where do I start?

Photo by Pedro Sanz on Unsplash

The Freshman

around 22–25 years old you will graduate from college, finely tuned your knowledge and skills, the question is? where do you go after that? you search for jobs, maybe some business opportunity, some side gigs.

this could take up to months or even years considering the workforce availability in Indonesia, graduating or even good grades wouldn’t guarantee you a good job, you need social skills, you need organizational skills, etc.

are you unique enough to be an employee?

The Entrance

the first year of going to work, you are a determined, passionate youngster. ready to fight through the uncertainty of life. you finished every task that your superior gave you, and you felt appreciated. but as days turns to months, months turn to years. you do your tasks over and over again, those praises that meant to encourage you meant nothing more than another one of those empty words just to create an illusion to make you feel better

The mediocrity sinks in, you started questioning yourself. Is this the life we all have to go through?

The Pressure

As you question yourself, you look at your friends. some of them getting married, having kids, owning a business, or even really excels in their fields rising through their corporate ladder.

Is it enough for you just to question yourself? do you have to do more? do you have to be rich? am I happy? am I going to do this my whole life? Doing the same thing all over again?

what am I going to do? is it a signal for change? what is this existential crisis do I have to go through? what is the point of living if I have to work?

what why when, the questions keep coming, giving you more pressure. the stress is unbearable. as you turn to be more consumptive to retain your stress. you spend more to be happy, you bury those thoughts deep inside you.

A blissful distraction.

The Realization

but the more you bury those thoughts, those little lies you cover to yourself. eventually will come out. like the living dead, they crawl up to the ground screaming “brains”, demanding you to think harder. to make changes in your life.

you cave in to the pressure, and as it is the roaring 20s, with every pressure and every conflict you brought into you. it is time to make some changes. whether in career, or life choices.

So what the hell are you supposed to do with all of those pressure? conflicts in your life are supposed to change you to be a better person. we all go through these phases in our lives that are incredibly stressful and don't know what to do about it. but it is normal.

comparing your lives through the other is a normal thing to do, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it, maybe you just keep going on with your life you forgot to reflect on it, what is it that you have achieved? so that you start comparing to others.

People rarely reflect on themselves, but these 20s phases you receive through rapid succession forced you to do one. you won't like it, but you have to eventually.

It's a life phase indeed and it's one of those phases that would be a cycle, in your 30s, 40s, or 50s. the faster you figure what you want to do or what kind of person you want to be the faster it is for you to achieve inner peace.



Rezkyro Poltak Samuel Pasaribu

An Indonesian with massive interest in politics, Law, and pop culture.